Schoonenberg Shipwreck survivors – Monsterrol Kaap 30 June 1723
“The following persons are from the accident ship Schonenberg“. Roll taken on June 30, 1723 at the Cape.
Albertus van Soest – Amsterdam, Schipper (Schooneberg 1722)
Willem Verbeek – Amsterdam, Opperstuurman (d’ Hillegonda 1722)
Pieter Corver – Amsterdam, Onderstuurman (Elisabeth 1722)
Dirk Prest – Rotterdam, Derde Waak (Schoonenberg 1722)
Jurriaan Eijser – Bremen, Bootsman (Linschoten 1721)
Jan Harmensz – Stokholm, Bootsmans maat (Schoonenberg 1722)
Pieter Jansz – Amsterdam, Schieman (Linschoten 1721)
Jan Puel – Leiden, Botteliersmaat (d’Generale Vreede 1714)
Jan Hansz – Amsterdam, Mattroos (as are all following) (Schoonenberg 1722)
Benjamin Marsman – Amsterdam (Noordbeek 1719)
Matthijs de Wit – Hamburgh (Opperdoes 1719)
Gerrit Van Haagh – Amsterdam (Schonenberg 1722)
Coenraad Scheerenbergh – Hoorn (Schonenberg 1722)
Roelof Vos – Christaansand (Schonenberg 1722)
Bart Maas – Amsterdam (Schonenberg 1722)
Bruno Seekamp – Bollen (Hogenes 1721)
Thobias Coenraadsz – Haarlem (Meynden 1720)
Wopke Heerisz – Amsterdam (Commerust 1722)
Govert Andriesz – Stavanger (Noordbeek 1722)
Aryen Aryensz – ‘t Ijland Vuer (d’ Stad Leyden 1720)
Adriaan Zuijdhof – ‘Schravenhaegen (Groenswaard 1722)
Willem Fransz – Rotterdam (Duijvenvoorder 1715)
Jan van der Heijden – Amsterdam (Schoonenberg 1722)
Pieter Matthijsz – Zonderburg (Prattenburg 1722)
David Harrel – Amsterdam (Nesserak 1718)
Frans Jansz – Amsterdam (Commerust 1722)
Pieter Louwrensz: Steinbergen – Amsterdam (d’ Wendela 1718)
Jan Jansz – Stockholm (Haften 1719)
Frederik Pietersz – Londeren (?) (‘t Huis Assenburg 1720)
Coenraad van Doorn – Rotterdam (Groenswaard 1722)
Pieter Hanneke – Cokshaaven (d’ Johanna 1720)
Sijbrand Jasnz – Londeren (?) (Charlois 1718)
Dirk de Vries – Amsterdam – Jongen (Schoonenberg 1722)
Two more are noted in the Hospital Monsterrol:
Jacob van der Heijden – Amsterdam
Pieter Overste – Vianen
Total 35 crew members remaining at the Cape in June 1723. Ca. 100 crew members were involved in the incident, so this indicated that by the following June, 65 or so have already been repatriated. Those remaining were involved in the Court of Inquiry into the incident.
Willem Fransz
1715 Duivenvoerder – Willem France van Rotterdam, Soldaat >. NV. Schuld f.150 aan Pieter van der Hoeve.
Pieter Matthijsz
Pieter Matthijsz van Zonderburg (Prattenburg 1722). Probably Sønderborg in Denmark.
1734 Sailed again > on Kerkwijk. Died in Batavia.

1721 Schoonenberg Outbound crew members – Schoonenberg Shipwreck survivors
Source: Nationaal Archief, >. The following are listed in the Soldijboek of the outbound voyage, and noted as having survived the shipwreck on the return voyage:
Dirk Prest van Rotterdam 3e waak
Pieter Jansz Bootsman
Jan Haermensz van Stockholm Bootsmansmaat
50 Coenraad Scheerenberg van Horn (DE) Matroos >. Shipwrecked 1722 (10-Sep-1726 HXVII resolution). 15-Nov-1723 onto Voorburg for 2m 24d, arr 9-Feb-1724. Then to Clarabeek for 10m 22d arr 01-Jan-1725 in Amsterdam.
53 Roeloff Vosch van Christiaanzand, Matroos. NV. No debt. Shipwrecked 1722. 15-Nov-1723 onto Voorburg for 2m 24d, arr 9-Feb-1724. Then to Clarabeek for 6m. Died 24-Aug-1724. Goods sold for fl. 345. >. Possible earlier voyage with unusual comments Schellenberg 1716 >
55 Evert Jansz van Dokkum, Bosschieter. Shipwrecked 1722 (10-Sep-1726 HXVII resolution). 15-Feb-1723 onto Middelwout. > Earlier voyage 1717-1721 Prins Eugenius/Barneveld >, schuld Jacob Volkman. Some years in Samarang, the D’Uno 1720. Dokkum in is far north Friesland. Quite likely to be Evert Jansz baptised 20-May-1693 >, making him 29 at the Schonenberg shipwreck.
94 Sieuwert Siuwertsz van Bergen bossch. [p120]
99 Jan van der Heijde van Amterdam, bosschieter, (later Clarabeek)
1721 Outbound crew that left the ship in Batavia
Hugo Decker van Goere Schieman
47 Abraham van Soest van Amsterdam Bosschieter >. Any relative to Albertus?, Went onto Steenhoven.
110 Cornelis Jansz Draaks v Quadijk, Mattroos (Kwadijk, Purmerend) (knife through hand)
112 Pieter Jaansz Draaks v Quadijk, Mattroos (off in Batavia)
1721 Kommerrust
Some Schonenberg shipwreck survivors made their outbound voyages to Batavia on other ships. Reviewing these to find the 1726 HXVII entry which identifies all involved. (In 1726 the Heeren Zeventien agreed to backpay the sailors for an almost 3 month period where they had not been paid).
First page: Andries Pijl, Schipper >.
David Ijs, Quartermaster. >. Kommerust sailed on 29 July. Died on 2 Aug – 3 days into the voyage, drowned.
Michiel van der Elst, van Leijden, Bosschieter. >. NV, ND. Initially to hospital in Batavia on arrival with Komerrust. Then to Schoonenberg, shipwrecked. Left Cape Jan 1723 with Doornik to Rammekens, Kamer Zeeland. HXVII 1726. He didn’t hear about the fl. 20 from that decision until 1729, when he collected it from VOC HQ in October. Previous voyage: Amsterdam, 1717 >, Bentveld 1719 >. Married almost immediately on return, 2-Jul-1723 in Amsterdam, to Katrijna Kranke >. His father Lonis van der Elst. Couple witness at baptism 1728 >. No further trace.
p. 130 continue > – no further for Schonenberg, now into soldiers >