Coenraad Schierenberg was a young German sailor, with the rank of Ships Gunner or Bosschieter, on the Schonenberg. He was from Horn in Lippe, and around 25 at the time of the wreck.
Coenraad was one of the four on watch before Bruno Zee. He ended up on the Voorburg and Clarabeek, so was certainly very well known to Bruno.
Schoonenberg Notes
Jan Malan, p99: (translated): [Monday 6th September] – special meeting with four skippers: Jacob Onkruijt, Jan Blommendaal, Adriaan But en Jan van de Vijver. Even though Jan Blommendaal left with his ship before the next meeting, the next day it could already be confirmed that he and the other three skippers unanimously found that all the statements that the fiscal used in his indictment were also collected and sworn to as far as they were concerned. can be. The Council was now clearly in a hurry to finish the trial which had already dragged on for so long. A day later, on Wednesday the 8th, it was confirmed at an extraordinary Council meeting that all the statements had been collected and sworn in the morning, except that of the sailor Coenraad Scheerenberg who was at a place a few hours away . After “ripe deliberation” it was decided that the Council could continue to consider its decision, but could not render a verdict until Scheerenberg had sworn his statement. The bailiff was immediately sent to get him to the Cape as soon as possible. Afterwards, the Council, together with the co-opted skippers, thoroughly considered the evidence and formulated their verdict. At another extraordinary meeting in the Castle, on the morning of Saturday 11 September, the full Council, listed skippers and accused are present. It is confirmed that Scheerenberg’s statement has been collated and sworn, and white speech is delivered.
08-Sep-1723 Coenraad Scheerenberg is “at a place a few hours away” from the Cape. Bailiff sent to get him for his statement.
1721 Schonenberg Soldij entry 1721 Schonenberg outbound: > Bosschieter (Ships gunner). From Horn (in Germany). Arrived Batavia 29 Jul 1722. Stayed on board the ship. Paid out 15 Jan 1725 (Monday). 1494 No. 11. (Bruno 11 Jan 1725 (Thursday) No. 1493 No. 295). Clarabeek return 1 Jan 1725.

1727 Wickenberg, kamer Zeeland, to Batavia, as Bosschieter, fl. 12/m >>. Taken to hospital in the Cape 1 May 1728. Returned 1730 on Rijksdorp.
11 Dec 1730 Purmerlust to Batavia, as Bootsmans maat >. Back 18 Jun 1732 on schip Vis. [Married the next month to Antje Keijzer]
13 May 1733 Delfland to Batavia as Schieman >. Back on Landskroon 8 Aug 1736.
9 Oct 1739 Maarseveen as Schieman to Batavia, fl. 20/m. >. Died 11 June 1741 on Westerdijkhorn, with a will to his wife Antje Keijzer and daughter Elizabeth Scheerenberg. Fo. 2631. He spent 9 months and 22 days in the Batavia Hospital. During that time, Batavia massacre took place >. Then on March 1st, 1741, to Westerdijkshorn.
7 Jul 1741 Westerdijkshorn is afgelegd in Batavia. What happened? [VOC site >]
21 Jun 1746 Attestatie > Acquaintances stating that at the time of marriage to Antje Keijzer, he had no previous children. (!) [Perhaps meaning none living]
30 May 1751 Inventaris der nalatenschap [AA, Isaac Pool Notaris >]. Died in Batavia 11 June 1741. Jan Steinhouwer got guardianship of Elizabeth. Made a will on 9 June 1741 with Theodorus Ceonadus van den Briel. There follows a list of what he left behind:
- 325 Silver Ducatons > , valued and exchanged for wisselbrief at fl. 1170 >
- 7 Silver Ropijen (Rupees)
- 3 Gold rings, about 15 gold and silver buttons
- A chest with some tobacco and clothes, sold for 24 rijksdaalders
In total his estate was valued at some fl. 2000 – a significant amount for the time. Shows the type of ‘entrepreneurship’ that regular VOC sailors were involved in.
Life and Family
Coenraad born c. 1695-1700. Mother was Lijsbet Meijers. Father ? Scherenberg.
He was from Horn in Germany (NRW) (and not Hoorn in Holland). Spelled his name Schierenberg.
Godschalk Weijke was his cousin [per marriage bans]. Goschalck Weijken married Marritje Aertsen. Daughter Lijsbeth bapt 16 Apr 1719 > – witness Lijsbeth Gerritsz & Jan Aertsen. Godschalk married 18 Oct 1715 to Lijsbeth, aged 26, from Hoorn. In de Ridderstraat. Vader Kurt Wijke living in Horn. Godschalk calc DOB 1689. Lijsbeth Gerrits also present at another birth (Jan). Jan Aartse Stehhouwer.
18 Nov 1718 Coenraet Scherenbergh, van Hoorn, 25 years, in de Ridderstraat, g. met zijn moeder Lijsbet Meijers. Geertruij Antonis de Bruijn van A’dam, oud 22, haar moeder Clara Huijsman.

15 Sep 1719 Baptism of son Hendrik, Coenraat Scherenbergh & Geertruij de Bruijn >. Kerk aan huis.
6 Mar 1721 Lutheran Baptism, father Coenrad Schierenberg, mother Geertruij de Bruijn. Child Antonius. >. Could be him! Schonenberg departed Dec 1721. Marriage found – will confirm >. Looks like him. So, did the child die? What happened to Geertruij?
9 Mar 1721 Child of Scheerenberg dies >, in de Jonkerstraat. (corner of Ridderstraat). Must be Antonius.
He then goes to sea – Schonenberg, Dec 1721
17 Jul 1732 Marriage notice Amsterdam, Coenrad Schierenberg & Antje Keijzer >
From Hoorn, Aged 35, parents deceased, in de Ridderstraat. Geaast. his nephew Godschalk Weijke. Antje Keijzer van Amsterdam, living in Maarsfin(?), 23 years old. Coenraad was therefore c. 25 at the time of Schoonenberg. {Interesting no mention of former marriage}

14-Jul-1737 Baptism of Elisabeth, in Maarssen. > & >
18 Mar 1739 Baptism of son Jan, mother Antje Keijzer > Witness Godvre van Wijk.
1767. Elisabeth marries Teunis Berg, aged 25 >. Former husband: Claas Nielsen.
27 Apr 1768 Baptism – mother Elisabeth Scheerenberg, Teunis Berg, child Kornelia >
10 Jun 1770 Baptism Jan Koenraat Berg. > [Likely post
12-Apr-1766 > Will of Antje Keijzer. Widow of Coenraad Scheerenberg. Mother of now passed away daughter Elisabeth Scheerenberg, who was married to Teunis Berg. First named in will is Cornelis Berg.