Cunera Janna van Alphen
Janna van Alphen-Zee was my grandmother. Her parents were Willem van Alphen and Neeltje van den Brink. Willem took his mothers name (also Cunera Janna van Alphen), as his father was unknown. The first Cunera got her name, according to family stories, from the Cunerakerk church in Rhenen. She was Pieter Zee’s second wife.
Janna was born 13 Feb 1883 in Utrecht, dau. of Willem van Alphen and Neeltje van den Brink.

Willem van Alphen (1855) & Neeltje van den Brink
Willem van Alphen was born 12 Oct 1855 > in Utrecht, son of Cunera Janna van Alphen (b. 1820). His father is never recorded; he took his mothers surname.

From the birth certificate: Willem was born in the Academisch Ziekenhuis Utrecht. The birth is reported by Hendrik Koopman, bediende, 28 years old. Willem was born at 1 am on October 12, 1855. Cunera Janna van Alphen, Koopvrouw (merchant), living in Veenendaal. Veenendaal is one town over from Rhenen, from where she got her name (from the Rhenen Cuneratoren).
Willem married Neeltje van den Brink in Soest on 26 Aug 1882, when Neeltje was already pregnant with their first child, Cunera Janna, born 13 Feb the following year.
Willem worked for the Dutch State railways, starting a few weeks before he married in 1882. In 1906 he became a Brugwachter, responsible for the railway bridge at Breukelen. In 1919 he moved to the signal house at Breukelen where he was a Seinhuiswachter. He retired in 1921 at the age of 65.

Willem van Alphen was named after his mother, also Cunera Janna van Alphen (b. 1820). His father is never recorded in official documents. On Janna’s birth certificate, two witnesses are Cornelis Veldhuizen, aged 40 (so born 1843) and Albert van der Linden (?), 37, both arbeiders. Willem living in Veldstraat, Utrecht. The question remains: who was Willem’s father?
The family was large – by 1921, there were 9 children. Janna Cunera married Pieter Zee. Lamberdina, b. 1884 married Frederik Kooij. Daatje, b. 1886 married Willem Smit. Jacoba b. 1888 m. Arie Wilschut. Neeltje b. 1890 in Maarsen, m. Willem van Munster. The first son, Willem van Alphen, was born 1 Dec 1892, and married Jannetje de Graaf.
Another daughter, Mien (Wilhelmina) van Alphen was born 22 Oct 1901, and married Aart van Beek in 1925. She died in 1959. Mien lived with her sister Janna and husband Pieter Zee and family in 1919, a fact that my father spoke about sometimes (Maartje and Mien).
Cunera Janna van Alphen “The First” (1820-)
Willems mother, Cunera Janna van Alphen, was born May 17, 1820 in Lienden, Gelderland. Her father Jan van Alphen was an Inn-Keeper or Herbergier, and her mother was Wilhelmina Verschuur. When they married in 1818 >, Jan was 48 and Wilhelmina was 24 and working as a Chambermaid. Jan was born in Tiel in 1770 >, son of Jan van Alfen and Anneke Boscaljon.
Her son Willem was born in 1855, and as discussed above, no father is noted.
In 1860, she gave birth to another child without a father being noted. Johannes van Alphen was born May 24, 1860, in Veenendaal >. Here, she is noted as being 40 years of age, unmarried daughter of Johannes van Alphen and Wilhelmina Verschuur. Johannes was born in the house at Wijk B, No. 53 in Veenendaal. The birth was recorded by the midwife, Carolina Hubscher. No indication or mention is given as to a father.

A third child, Willem van Alphen, was born November 30, 1852, also in Veenendaal. Again, no father is mentioned. Here “Kunera” is 32, unemployed, and living at No. 185 in Wijk B. > > p. 16. This child died at only 9 days of age, in December 1852 >
Cunera married David Thomson on New Years Eve of 1864 >. He was a widower. Cunera Janna was then aged 44.
Pieter Zee
In 1897, Pieter began his first career as a baker, in Midwoud.

From 1904 to 1906 Pieter Zee lived in Hoorn, and had a shop at Groote Noord 19.

The building in the meantime seems to have been demolished, and a “Pastorie” for the church built in the same place.
The Family Card for Pieter Zee in Amsterdam is below, source >:

The first address shown in Amsterdam is Marnixstraat 177. Later, it shows the address Witte de Withstraat No. 141, 3 hoog, from September 1922. This house is still here, address confirmed in city directory for 1922. Above this looks like Witte de Withstraat No. 11. So, since No. 11 was rebuilt c. 1923, it indicates a move in 1922 from 11 to 141.
Pieter’s move to Amsterdam, and Jacob Zee’s family
Pieter first arrived in Amsterdam in 1902, having left Midwoud and the bakers life behind. That April, he held an auction at his home there, selling off his animals and farm equipment. No more early mornings, neither for bread nor for beast.
He had family here in Amsterdam, which helped. His uncle Jacob Zee, a brother of his father Frederik’s, lived in the city. Frederik and Jacob differed in age by only two years, and grew up together in Twisk. Their next eldest brother, Andries, was a full four years older. Frederik and Jacob would have been close. Jacob’s home was just south of the Westerpark, on the 2e Nassaustraat, at No. 4.
Marnixstraat 177
Pieter moved to Marnixstraat 177 in June 1902. This was a grocery store (Kruidenierswinkel), very close to his brother Paul and uncle Jacob. He operated the store here for two years until June 1904 >, when he moved to Hoorn. During this time, Pieter, Paul, and uncle Jacob were all running shops in this area.
A Dairy and a Grocey Store – Two Zee families on one street
At the turn of the century in 1900, two shops were run by Zee’s on the 2e Nassaustraat in Amsterdam.
At No.4, Jacob Zee had a Dairy, or Milk Salon. Six doors down, at No. 16 (renumbered to No. 18 in 1922), Paul Zee operated a small grocery store. Paul was a brother of Pieter’s, and Jacob was his uncle.

Jacob Zee
He left Wijdenes in 1895, selling his Wijdenes farmhouse, shed, and excellent land (4 hectares) by public auction on December 4th, 1895.

Jacob and Maartje celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary in 1916, still living at No.4 on the 2e Nassaustraat. Their sole surviving daugther, Neeltje Zee, was married to Hendrik Aué.
Paulus Zee
Paul Zee moved to the 2e Nassaustraat No. 16 in August 1901, with Johanna de Graaf. They operated a grocery store (Kruidenierswinkel) here until September 1905, when they moved to Egmond aan Zee.

Witte de Withstraat
In his second marriage, Pieter and Janna moved to Amsterdam in April 1919, and lived here until October 1924, just over five years. The first three years were spent at Witte de Withstraat No. 11 (where Nel Zee was born). In September 1919, his father Frederik Zee came to live with them here for a year >, before he departed to America to visit and live with his other son Paul Zee >.
In September 1922 they moved to No. 141. This building is just on the edge of the photo below. It’s remarkable to see that this was the limit of Amsterdam city in 1922 – nothing beyond to the west but fields and windmills. No doubt Piet would have popped into “Slijterij Smit” for a few beers to take home now and again.

In 1924 the family moved to Amersfoort, for Piet to take up a new position as representative of Bertels Oliefabrieken there.
Bertels Oliefabrieken

PROVINCIENIEUWS AMERSFOORT. TUINBOUWTENTOONSTELLING. De voorbereiding. Het wordt van lieverlede een genoegen, om over de a.s. tentoonstelling te schrijven. Er begint kleur en lijn in te komen. Men ziet de exposanten graven in de beekhellingen, om rotspartijen aan tle leggen. Langs den oever zijn monteurs bezig, om de voorbereidingen te treffen voor een fantastische verlichting. De aanleg op het vlakke terrein wordt door zachte regenbuien heerlijk besproeid en allerwegen heerscht bedrijvigheid. Een mooie stand: Ook binnenshuis wordt gewerkt en we waren in de gelegenheid, om een der firma’s bezig te zien bij het in orde maken van den stand. Het was de heer P. Zee, vertegenwoordiger van de bekende Bertels’ voederen oliefabrieken te Amsterdam. De heer Zee heeft een ontwerp gemaakt van de monumentale Koppelpoort en deze wordt nu in groote, strakke lijnen opgezet in het gymnastieklokaal. De torens hebben een middellijn van ruim 1 Meter en zijn 5 á 6 meter hoog. De muren worden opgetrokken van de bij veehouders zoo geliefde lijnkoeken, en op deze steenen komen ook leien daken van geschulpte lijnkoek-flensjes. Natuurlijk is de reclame niet vergeten en de schiet en kijkgaten ontbreken evenmin. Des avonds zal deze bij uitstek mooie stand electrisch verlicht worden, waardoor het geheel nog meer aan zijn doel zal beantwoorden!

The story from the newspaper gives a lovely glimpse of Piet Zee, in August of 1926, setting up a stand for his company Bertels Oliefabrieken N.V., at an exhibition in Amersfoort. The reporter describes how a gentle rain shower keeps things clean, as a hive of activity surrounds the exhibition setup.
Piet Zee is assembling a model of the Koppelpoort in Amersfoort, a historical city poort, or entry gate, just a few minutes cycle from his home on the Stationsstraat. The model is constructed out of linseed cakes – which his company makes for animal feed, and reaches 5 to 6 metres tall. The whole model will be lit up later that evening, with electric light!
Pieter Zee’s later life
From family knowledge (Arja), Pieter Zee came to live with his son Frederik Zee & family in his later years. He died aged 85 in 1962.
Family Photo
This picture shows Pieter Zee and Janna van Alphen with their children Nel and Fred. From the ages of the children, it looks like it was taken around 1928. The house is a possible match to Stadhouderslaan 59.


Pieter Zee
* 14-Nov-1876 Opperdoes [Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker]
+ 05-Mar-1962 Soest > Aged 85
x (1) Alida Wienands 14-Aug-1902 Amsterdam
* 24-Dec-1872 Leerdam [Leonardus M. Wienands & Wilhelmina C. Klok]
+ 19-Feb-1947 Arnhem Aged 74
1 Maartje 29-Mar-1903 Amsterdam x Willem Anderson + Velp
2 Wilhelmina 12-May-1905 Hoorn x Otto Nuijs
3 Frederika 20-Oct-1906 Zaandam + 27-Oct-1906 Zaandam
x (2) Cunera Janna van Alphen 02-Sep-1915 Amsterdam
* c.1883 [Willem van Alphen & Neeltje van den Brink]
+ 29-Apr-1968 Soest > Aged 85
4 Frederik 04-Jul-1916 Zaandam x Catharina Hendriksen, M. Nolan, M. Brennan
5 Petronella 06-Apr-1920 Sloten NH x Jan van Breukelen
Willem van Alphen
* 13-Oct-1855 Utrecht [NN & Janna Cunera van Alphen]
x Neeltje van den Brink 26-Aug-1882 Soest > [Jacob van den Brink & Lamberdina Kinderdijk]
1. Cunera Janna van Alphen 13-Feb-1883 > Utrecht x Pieter Zee
2. Lamberdina van Alphen 08-Sep-1884 Utrecht x Frederik Kooij
4. Frederik Zee
* 04-Jul-1916 Zaandam
+ 12-Jun-2012 Waterford, Ireland Aged 95
x (1) C.M.A. Hendriksen c. 22-Feb-1946 Soest >
1. Peter L. 09-Dec-1946 Soest
2. Arja
3. Elfried -Feb-1950 Soest x M. Ryan
x (2) Marcella Nolan
1. Mark 31-Oct-1975 Waterford, Ireland
x (3) Mary Brennan
5. Petronella Cunera Zee
* 04-Jul-1916 Zaandam
+ 12-May-2008 Beekbergen >
x Jan van Breukelen 30-Jun-1946 Soestdijk
* 19-Apr-1920 Baarn
+ 10-Jan-2011 Apeldoorn
1. Hans (x Lidy)
2. Wim (x Marieke, Joleen)
3. Richard (x Jeannette)
Mark Zee
* 31-Oct-1975 Waterford, Ireland [Frederik Zee & Marcella Nolan]
x Yulia Belozersky 11-Oct-2019 New York
* 29-Nov-1981 Kiev [Eugene Belozersky & Valentina Nagorny]
1. Zoe 2021 Christchurch, NZ
2. Charlie 2024 Amsterdam
Pieter Zee (My grandfather)
1896 Living in Winkel [Military register 1896, 23-177 Militieregister, 1896]
5-Apr-1897 Pieter Zee mentioned in Hollandse Courant as koek bakker. >
9-Oct-1897 Pieter Zee, broodbakker, moves from Hoorn to Midwoud, house of Frederik Zee - De Buurt 52/58. [Aged 21 here]
24-Nov-1897 Pieter Zee: "Vraag uw Koek voor den St. Nicolaas, van P. ZEE te Midwoud. Prima kwaliteit Speculaas van af 35 to 45 Ct., Brokken 25 Ct. Prima Koektaai 25 Ct. Kantkoek 20 Ct. Alles per 5 ons. Voorts alle soorten Koek verkirjgbaar. Winkeliers en Slijters genieten flink rabat"
14-Sep-1898 Alida Wienands married Cornelis Philippus van Gelderen in Rotterdam [>]
11-Jan-1899 Pieter Zee Meid-huishoudster en bakkers leerling, Midwoud.
22-Feb-1899 Pieter Zee ad for oats, Midwoud >. 29-Mar-1899 same ad, but now "J. Zee, Venhuizen" is also a seller. Indicates connection between Piet Zee and J. Zee in Venhuizen > Another ad for housekeeper Sept. 1899. [Bruin Zee geb 15-02-1859, Venhuizen, beroep: Broodbakker, tr. (1) 22-04-1881, te Berkhout, Grietje Koelemaij, gebca 1859, Berkhout, (dochter van Pieter Koelemaij en Dieuwertje Koster) ove 29-09-1923, tr. (2) 26-10-1924, te Midwoud, Leentje Schuts, geb 18-08-1860, Berkhout, ove 11-11-1947, Zwaag : This Bruin Zee moved to Midwoud, and was also a broodbakker. Research more] This B. Zee moved from Berkhout 12-Oct-1904 >
11-Apr-1900 P. Zee still broodbakker in Midwoud, again looking for housekeeper. 07-Nov-1900 P. Zee Midwoud ad for hay.
09-Apr-1902 P. Zee Midwoud, boelhuis, ket enz. > [In summary P. Zee in Midwoud from 1897-1902 - five years]
23-May-1902 Alida Wienands divorce from Cornelis van Gelderen.
1902 P. Zee, Amsterdam, 2e Nassaustraat 16, a few doors down from Jacob Zee Pzn. >. Jacob Zee & Maartje Hans lived with their family at Nassaustraat 4. Daughter Aafje died in 1898 here at age 6. > Daughter Neeltje married August 1902 > Jacob berope: Melkslijter (Milkman).
14-Aug-1902 Pieter Zee x Alida Wienands marriage >. Living Amsterdam, previously living Midwoud. Present at marrige: Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker. Profession: Kruindenier.
29-Mar-1903 Pieter Zee & Alida Wienands, birth of daughter Maartje Zee. Living at Marnixstraat 177. Pieter Zee prof. Kruidenier. >
27-Jun-1904 Pieter and Alida living at Grote Noord 19, Hoorn. (Later) with children Wilhelmina and Maartje, Pieter Zee's profession: Winkelier, family left 29-Oct-1906 for Zaandam. [>] Total 2 years in Hoorn. Original building demolished 1908. "1908 R.K. Parochiaal kerkbestuur; slopen nrs. 17, 19, 30 aan de Geldersesteeg en nrs. 20, 22 aan het Achterom (oude nummering). 1908 R.K. Parochiaal Kerkbestuur; bouwen nieuwe pastorie met verbindingsgang en catechismuskamer ter plaatse van de afgebroken percelen. In 1909 voltooiings- verklaring en bewoonbaarverklaring." Architect P. Snel te Amsterdam. (Oud Hoorn)
12-May-1905 Pieter and Alida living at Grote Noord 19. Birth of daughter Wilhelmina Catharina Zee >. Pieters profession: Kruidenier.
09-Aug-1905 Living at Grote Noord 19, ad for Ra-Jah tea [>]
01-Jun-1905 Antje Zee Brd. overleden Midwoud.
12-Jan-1906 Pieter Zee, notarial doc > re. sale of goods at Grote Noord 19, Hoorn. An inventory and valuation of all goods in the shop and storage room are listed - bags of vanilla sugar, packets of Quaker Oats, etc. Appear to be a bankruptcy. He declares to have no other cash than that needed for the household this week. From the bankruptcy of his brother Paulus Zee, he will receive fl. 100, being 20% of an advance of fl. 500 that had been given to him. >. The same curator was involved in his father Frederik Zee's bankruptcy in 1875 > - more to read there.
20-Oct-1906 Pieter and Alida living at Anna Paulownastraat 29, Zaandam, Pieter Zee's profession: Reizend agent [birth reg. of Frederika, see Docs]
27-Oct-1906 Frederika dies at 7 days old. Address: Anna Pauwlonastraat 29, Zaandam >
28-Mar-1912 P. Zee named as 2e secretaris of the Union "Algemeenen Nederlandschen Bond van Handels- en Kantoorbedienden", for the dept. Zaanstreek >
29-Jan-1914 P. Zee at Prins Hendrikkade 15, Zaandam. Geroyeerd from the Union for taking work when others were on strike. >
18-Apr-1919 Pieter and Janna van Alphen living Amsterdam, Witte de Witstraat 11, III, arrived 18-Apr-1919 from Zaandam, with Janna van Alphen (wife), Wilhelmina van Alphen b. 22-Oct-1901 Breukelen (left 18-Jul-1919 for Breukelen-Nijenrode), Frederik Zee (father, born 26-Aug-1845, living with them from 17-Sep-1919), Petronella Cunera b. 06-Apr-1920. [see Docs] >
07-Apr-1920 Pieter and Janna living Witte de Witstraat, Wijk "Y", No. 11, c. birth of Nel Zee. This house looks to have been replaced with a more modern building c. 1922. They then moved to No. 141.
1922 P. Zee, Witte de Withstraat 141. >
03-Dec-1924 Piet Zee living in Amersfoort, new telephone connection (No. 935), listed as vertegenwoordiger N.V. Bertels Oliefabrieken, Stationsstr. 38B >. 06-Oct-1926 connection lapsed >
14-Aug-1926 P. Zee, at exhibition setting up model of Koppelpoort >
19-Aug-1926 P. Zee mentioned as vert. for Amersfoort for Bertels Oliefabriek in newspaper article >
15-Oct-1926 P. Zee listed as moving to Soest from Amersfoort, Nieuwesteeg 55 >
31-May-1929 Piet Zee, vertegenwoordiger N.V. Bertels Oliefabriek, A'dam, with new telephone connection in Soest, Nieuwesteeg 59 >
01-Mar-1934 Pieter Zee, ref. planning applications, several mentions, living Stadhouderslaan 59, Soest >
30-Jun-1946 Nel Zee & Jan van Breuklen verloofd. Zwaluwenweg 11, Soestdijk.
13-Mar-1962 (Paper ad) Pieter Zee overleden at age 85 Soest, Zwaluwenweg 11. >
Cunera Janna van Alphen
13-Feb-1883 Birth, Utrecht. Parents Willem van Alphen and Neeljte van den Brink >. Living Veldstraat.
Zaandam Population Register > "Cunera Janna van Voorst Alphen" .. van Voorst?
07-May-1968 Death Notice Cunera Janna van Alphen, aged 85, Zwaluwenweg 11, Soest >
Frederik Zee
21-Sep-1938 F. Zee living Stadhouderslaan 59, Soest. Spanish lessons. >
04-Dec-1943 Mej. N. Zee [Nel] Zwaluwenweg 11, Soest. Orchest ad. >
16-Sep-1945 Toos Hendriksen & Fred Zee verloofd. Address Zwaluwenweg 11, Soest. >
30-Jun-1946 Nel Zee & Jan van Breuklen verloofd. Zwaluwenweg 11, Soestdijk. > 07-May-1947 Ondertrouwd >
20-Dec-1946 Living Stadhouderslaan 108, Soest > Birth of son P.L.
JZ Jacob Zee (Pieter Zee's uncle)
Cunera Janna (1820) and Willem van Alphen (1855)
18-Feb-1821 Cunera Janna's parents, Johannes van Alfen, a retired soldier, & Willemina Verschuur are married in Lienden. Johannes is 48, Willemina is 24. [>]
10-Dec-1852 Willem van Alfen, died Veenendaal, 9 days old, son of Kunera Janna van Alfen, unemployed, father N.N., 185 Wijk B Veenendaal. No father named. [>] Birth record [>] reads: mother, Kunera Janna van Alfen, 33 years old. Witness for birth: Aris Budding, 65. (Calc birth for Cunera is therefore 1819.)
13-Oct-1855 Registration of birth of Willem van Alphen, Janna's father, in Utrecht. Mother: Cunera Janna van Alphen, Koopvrouw (Buyer) living Veenendaal, and the Akademisch Ziekenhuis Utrecht. Notified by Hendrik Koopman, bediende, 28 years of age. [>] Note: all further records for Willem van Alphen show father as unknown - same as with his two brothers.
24-May-1860 Birth of Johannes van Alphen, Veenendaal, mother Kunera Johanna van Alfen, koopvrouw, 40 years old, unmarried daughter of the Johannes van Alfen, deceased, and Willemina Verschuur. Again, father: N.N. [>]. Veenendaal Wijk B No.53.
9-Feb-1862 Death of Johannes van Alphen, Veenendaal. Aged 1 year 8 months. Mother Johanna van Alphen, father N.N. >. Witnesses: Rijk van Leusden, 41, arbeider, Andries Jacobsen, 37, wever, both neighbours of Johanna. Wijk B, No. 98. "Natuurlijke niet erkende zoon van Kunera Johanna van Alphen, koopvrouw in deze gemeente woonachtig". Aktedatum 10-Feb-1862.
16-Mar-1875 Military record Willem van Alphen >. Vader onbekend. 1m 60 tall, brown eyes. Joined 8th infantry regiment 12-May-1875. Gepasporteered 11-May-1880.
15-Aug-1879 Bevolkingsregister, 1860-1879. Kooks Oven 133C, Utrecht >. Moved from Veenendaal 30-Jul-1879. Jaffa >.
c. 1880 Bvr. Utret. Vleutenschevaart No.1 >. Living with familie de Rijk, Hoveniers, as knecht. Religion NH (Nederlands Hervormd). 10-Nov-1882 to "Weg naar Vleulen".
10-Nov-1882 Bvr. Utrecht. With Neeltje van den Brink >
01-Dec-1882. Veldstraat No. 8. With Neeltje, and then daughters Cunera Janna (1883) and Lamberdina (1884). > 14-Nov-1885 to Maarssen.
Are there any Bevolkingsregisters showing the family card?
11-Oct-1941 Willem Anderson, 47 years old, born in 1893 or 1894, keurmeester by profession, died Utrecht, wife Maartje Zee [>]. Willem was born on March 28, 1894 in Stad Doetinchem (Doetinchem), son of Stephanus Anderson & Gesina Sophia Lindenhovius [>]. They had a daughter Alida Sophia Elisabeth Beek, born 12-Apr-1934, married Drs Marius Robbert Beek. [>]
Wilhelmina Zee
Wilhelmina Catharina Zee. Geboren 12-05-1905 te Hoorn,NH, Verpleegkundige, overleden 16-09-1980 te Velp,GE,Gecremeerd te Dieren
Uit dit huwelijk:
Gerrit Jan (zie: 2).
Cornelia, geboren 24-06-1943 te Rotterdam,ZH, Onderwijzeres. >