Westeinde is a little piece of the main road from Twisk to Opperdoes, in Noord Holland. It’s essentially part of Twisk, even though it falls under the historical records of Opperdoes.

In May 1868, a group of Zee siblings made the big trek east from Twisk to set up home here. These were:
Cornelis Zee (born 1835, married Maartje Pels)
Andries Zee (born 1841, married Neeltje Leeuw)
Antje Zee (born 1842, married Jacob Duin)
Frederik Zee (born 1845, married Maartje Bakker)
They were all brothers and sisters of each other, and children of Pieter Zee & Neeltje Veer. The houses that they lived in here were all right next door to each other, so there was a row of Zee’s. Since Cees, Dries, Antje and Freek all had children born here as well, there was a plethora of little Zee’s growing up together!
The big move to Opperdoes – Saturday May 9th, 1968.
On May 9th, 1868, Andries Zee and Neeltje Leeuw moved to Westeinde, No. 122 from Twisk with their son Pieter, who had been born there three months earlier.
On the same day, Frederik Zee moved to Westeinde, No. 124A – joined by his wife Maartje Bakker on May 15th. This was a week after Frederik and Maartje had been married in Abbekerk, the village Maartje was from. Their first son Jan Zee was born two year later, in September of 1870. Both 124A and 122 were new houses with no previous occupants listed.
Also on the same day – May 9th, 1868 – Cornelis Zee moved with his wife Maartje Pels to Westeinde No. 124. Cornelis was the eldest of the Zee brothers, and he and Maartje had already had three children: Trijntje, Grietje, and Pieter.
Their sister Antje Zee was already living in Opperdoes, married to Jacob Duin. She was at Zuiderweg 129 since May 4th, 1864 – four years previous. Later, she’s noted at Westeinde No. 122A.
This places all four Zee siblings right next door to each other – 122, 122A, 124, and 124A.
Frederik Zee
In December 1875, Frederik (Freek) Zee purchased a house, shed, and land from Klaas Laan. The parcel of land was subdivided to the west from an existing plot owned by Klaas Laan since 1847, and was “11 are”, or about 1100 m2. Not a huge piece of land, about a quarter acre, for which Frederik paid 3000 guilders. In the Population register the newly subdivided house and land is noted as “Westeinde 126” in 1876, the Kadaster reference is Opperdoes A633. That winter, Maartje Bakker became pregnant with their second son Pieter Zee (my grandfather), who was therefore born in this house on November 14, 1876.
A house at Westeinde 126A (1876) was also owned by Frederik Zee, which he rented to Cornelis Grootewal from 1879-1884.
In 1885, Frederik Zee took out a loan of 1000 guilders. The provider of the loan was “Creditrice” Mevr. Julie Machiels, living in Den Haag, widow (officially noted as Douairière, a fancy term meaning widow, but used when your husband was nobility) of Sir Michel Henrij Godefroi. The security of the loan was the house and land (10 aren, 90 centaren) in the osteinde of Twisk, referenced here as Kadaster A811. The terms of the loan were strict: Frederik had to take out fire insurance, keep the house in good condition, etc.
Quite how a small farmer in Twisk finds his way to a moneylender from Den Haag is curious. Michel Henrij Godefroi turns out to be a well-known Dutch politician of the time. He was the first Dutch minister of Jewish descent, and a six-time member of the Tweede Kamer, or house of representatives. He was also the chairman of the Noord-Holland law court. He died in 1882 while fulfilling the role of Minister of State.
On further research, it is apparent that this was not a special arrangement. Julie Machiels made many similar loan arrangements with farmers in the area. Rens Boon, the kasteleien in Spanbroek, got a loan of fl. 4000 in the same year, for example. Willem Gieling, a baker in Medemblijk, received fl. 1000 a week after Frederik. It’s clear that this was a business for Julie, even if there may have been some benevolence behind it.
In early 1895 a situation began to unfold that would end in deep tragedy for the family. Around the end of March that year, the tax collectors came to Twisk. It was common to have a roving group of officials who would go from one town to another to document the tax affairs of the villages residents. One of these officials found lodging with Freek and Maartje Zee, who rented out rooms in their house to earn some additional income. Despite being a young man who was engaged to be married, the tax official became more interested in their daughter Neeltje Zee than his official business. Neeltje became pregnant.
Today, an unplanned pregnancy can be a delicate situation. 125 years ago it carried even greater consequences. For the family, it created a most uncomfortable set of circumstances, and for Neeltje herself, it would lead to great despair. When she came full term, she was sent to Amsterdam to give birth to the child. Nelly Rudolfine Zee was born in December 1895.
Frederik Zee was declared bankrupt in September of the same year, and the following month an advertisement appeared in the regional paper.

His house was put up for sale by auction, to be held on November 14th, 1895 at the Herberg of J. Vroom in the east end of Twisk. The land was 1100 m2, which makes it clear that it was the same piece of land he bought in 1875 from Klaas Laan and had lived at for 20 years.
The Train Station in Twisk

The Train station in Twisk is neither in Twisk, nor is it a train station. It’s technically a tram station, since the line between Hoorn and Medemblik is a tram line. Anyhow, the more important technicality is that the Westeinde part of Twisk is actually in the east of the village, and it’s in Opperdoes.
The technicality is important though, for finding where the Zee territories of 1868 lie.
On April 28th, 1899, the Station Chief and his family moved from Enschede to Twisk, and lived at No. 127. His name was Barend Bakker, his wife was Dieuwertje Nieuwstadt >. If they lived in the train station, then this places the station at No. 127 Westeinde in 1899, which agrees with the later numbering from A. Roggeveen who puts the station at No. 122A in 1878 and No. 208 in 1928, 50 years later.

Klaas Laan was at No. 128 in 1875, which became No. 134 in the re-numbering by 1899, together with his wife Antje Schagen. Klaas Laan was clearly one of the larger farmers in the area, with a long list of farm workers in his entry for the Population register >. He died in 1897, when the house went to two Koster sisters – Trijntje and Grietje. Grietje however died the same year, leaving Trijntje Koster as the owner. By 1928 the house had become No. 217, owned by G. Kroeb.
Andries Zee was at No. 122, somewhere next door to the train station. In December of 1886, he is mentioned in a multi-party land purchase agreement with the company operating the train, “der Lokaal Spoorweg Maatschappij Hollands Noorderkwartier” >. The station opened in November 1887 >, so it looks likely that this was a land purchase to facilitate the building of the train station. An auction was held at the herberg of Dirk Zeilemaker in Opperdoes, with five lots. Andries Zee purchased “Lot 4” at the auction, for 400 guilders. Lot 4 was an acre of farmland, 35 aren, Kadaster ref. A538. It seems that the train company perhaps had some land left over from the building works related to the tracks and the station, and this precipitated the sale.
Cornelis Grootewal was a big figure in the Zee families of the West End. He was born in Twisk on the Zuiderweg in 1812, and married Ijtke Aker from Nibbixwoud.
His daughter Trijntje married Cees Zee on the 19th of June 1859, and Cees moved from his parents house in the middle of Twisk out to the Zuiderweg to live with Trijntje ahead of their new life together. Less than two months later, however, Trijntje was dead. She was just 21. How she died we don’t know, but Cees, aged 24, moved in with Cornelis and Ijtje, and stayed living there for the next two and a half years. Clearly a close bond was formed between Cees Zee and her father Cornelis, through the difficult circumstances of her young death. 25 years later, Cornelis Grootewal would leave his entire estate to Cees Zee. Cees moved back to Twisk in 1862 where he married Maartje Pels, and would go on to have twelve children – the descendants of whom form the largest extent of the Zee family around Twisk and Abbekerk today. August of 1859 was a difficult month for the neighbourhood: Klaas Laan‘s 9-year-old daughter Aagje also died a week before Trijntje.
Ijtje Aker died in 1877. Two years later, Cornelis Grootewal moved up the road to rent a house from Frederik Zee, Cees’s brother. The relationship with the Zee family was extensive, with Cornelis funding some sizeable loans for many of them. When he passed in 1884, loans were noted (at five percent interest) from him to Neeltje Veer (500 guilders), Frederik Zee (700,-), Andries Zee (700,-), and Cees Zee (500,-).
The solution to finding the three Zee parcels of land in 1868 almost certainly lies in old maps. This one, the first I found from Opperdoes close to the timeframe, is from 1936 and has Kadaster numbers but from later dates.

More likely to be helpful is this map from 1902. However, as you can see, it’s quite blurry. The original image is only viewable at the archives, following a series of court cases in Holland related to copyright. It makes searching for older photos and maps a challenge online, but in any case a visit to the archive is always fun. So, a trip to Hoorn is on the cards.

Stichting Twisca information
(From a photo comment) Het Westeinde in de richting Twisk gezien. Dit gedeelte van Opperdoes, dat samen met de Zuiderweg buurtschap Westeinde vormt, werd abusievelijk ook wel Oosteinde Twisk genoemd. Wat geaardheid betreft zijn de Westeinders meer Twiskers dan Opperdoezers. Geografisch sluit het Westeinde geheel aan op het dijkdorp Twisk, waarvan het een verlenging vormt. Voorin de laatste jaren van de vorige eeuw de Laanweg, tegenwoordig Nieuweweg, werd aangelegd, sloot de Westeinderweg bij de z.g. Slothoeve aan op een pad over de weide, de Dwarsweid, waarover het eerste gedeelte van een eveneens een van het eigenlijke Doess afgezonderd, op een werf gelegen buutje. Om via het stuk land, De Balk geheten, over de Balkbrug de Hoge Werf te bereiken. Deze brug overspande oudtijds de kruising Walakker-Joppediep. >
Opperdoes 25-Aug-1867 Antje Zee & Jacob Duin living Zuiderweg. >. 1874 living "Westeinde", also 1875, 1876. All relate to passing of their young children, very sad. Later Zuiderweg 122A. 09-May-1868 Andries Zee & Neeltje Leeuw move to Opperdoes, Westeinde 122. There son Pieter Zee born here 1868, Dirk Zee 1872. 09-May-1868 Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker (on 15-May-1868) move to Opperdoes, Westeinde 124A. > 15-May-1873 Frederik Zee & Maartke Bakker move (back) to Twisk, with son Jan Zee, from Westeinde 124 Opperdoes > 09-May-1873 Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker move in to Twisk - house number not given. [Bvr Twisk >]. However 13-Sep-1875, reg. of death of Neeltje Zee aged 11 months, house clearly listed as No. 155 (1875). 15-Dec-1875 Frederik Zee purchases house, shed, and land in Opperdoes from Klaas Laan, Secretaris van het Ambacht de Vier Noorderkoggen en landeigenaar wonende te Opperdoes ... een woonhuis met schuur en erf, staande en liggende in het oosteinde van Twisk, onder de gemeente Opperdoes, uit makende gelijk is afgehekt het westelijk deel ter groote van nagenoemd 11 aren 26 centiaren, van het Kadastrale perceel Sectie A nommer 633. Den verkooper aangekomen het huis door stichting en de grond bij acte van trasnport op den 30 Juli 1847 voor den toen te Medemblik gevestigden notaris Claas Gerdenier overleden, overgeschreven den 21 Augustus daaraan en deel 96 artikel 27. .. De comparanten verklaarden: .. -dat het hek, diende tot scheiding tusschen het verkochte en het onverkochte gedeelte van het perceel Gemeente Opperdoes Sectie A nommer 633 door den verkooper zal worden onderhouden ... [en] dat op het niet bebouwde gedeelte [no house to be built or a fine of fl. 2000 must be paid by F. Zee]. Purchase price fl. 3000. Agreement signed at the home of Klaas Laan, Opperdoes. > 14-Jan-1876 Frederik Zee & Maaartje Bakker move back to Opperdoes. [Bvr Twisk] 16-Jan-1876 Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker move (again) to house "Westeinde 126" in Opperdoes. (House previously of Ijsbrand Pijper & Aafje Laan *?). [Bvr Opperdoes] 26-Mar-1881 Aagje Verwij (Maartjes mother) comes to live with them from Twisk. 12-Sep-1895 Frederik Zee declared bankrupt 14-Nov-1895 Newspaper: Notaris TEKPSTRA te Benningbroek zal op DONDERDAG 14 NOVEMBER 1895 's avonds 7 uur, in de herberg van J. VROOM, in het Oosteinde van Twisk onder Opperdoes, publiek verkoopen : EEN WOONHUIS door meerdere gezinnen bewoond, met Schuur, Erf en Grond in het Oosteinde van TWISK, onder Opperdoes, groot 10 aren, 90 centiaren. Eigendom van den heer F. ZEE aldaar. -Dec-1895 Who bought the house? Bvr Opperdoes 1875-1900, so last few pages should show someone moving to 126 (now 131). 17-Jan-1896 F. Zee no longer failliet. 11-May-1896 Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker move to Abbekerk, from Opperdoes No. 126 (later crossed out and marked 131), with Nelly Rudolfine Zee. The house goes to Cornelis Zwaan & Geertje Spaans, now numbered as 131 (1896). > 18-Apr-1895 Jan Zee Fz to Venhuizen. Cornelis Zee & Maartje Pels 13-Aug-1859 Cornelis Zee & Trijntje Grotewal living "aan de Zuiderweg, Opperdoes", at date of her death. 16-Sep-1859 Cornelis Zee vestiging in Opperdoes > p. 35. Moves into the house of Cornelis Grotewal & Ijte Aker, her parents. House number 88. 11-Apr-1862 Cornelis Zee moves back to Twisk, out of the house of Cornelis Grotewal, now listed as Zuiderwg 133A. In the Twisk Bvr > the date corresponds exactly, and Cees and Maartje lived in Twisk at No. 90 (1862) 09-May-1868 Cornelis Zee & Maartje Pels at "Westeinde 124" > p.39. 07-Jan-1871 Cornelis Zee & Maartje Pels living "Westeinde, Opperdoes" - no nr. 1876 Cornelis Zee & Maartje Pels still at Westeinde 124 - later marked as 129. House goes to Jan Wijdenes & Maartje Stam in 31-May-1878 Cornelis Zee & Maartje Pels to Abbekerk with the whole family. Antje Zee & Jacob Duin 12-May-1864 Antje moves from Twisk to Opperdoes, Zuiderweg 129, later crossed out and marked as Westeinde 122A. Jacob Duin born Opperdoes it seems. First son Jan Duin born here 22-Feb-1865, last son Cornelis Duin 4-May-1875. Westeinde Zee houses in Opperdoes 122 Andries Zee & Neeltje Leeuw 1868- 124 Also Hendrik Godvlied & Cornelisje Bakker. Moved from Twisk 09-May-1868. 124 Cornelis Zee & Maartje Pels from 1868-1878. 124A Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker from 1868-1873. 126 Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker 1876. 126A Jan Zwaan & Neeltje Pik 1876 > later Cornelis Grootewal (renumbered to 131A) Rented house owned by Frederik Zee [per rent due in will of C. Grootewal] 126B Jacob Bos 1876 , then Dirk Ruiter 126C Metselaars (later 131) 124 Antje Zee & Jacob Duin, crossed out and marked 129 by 1896. Looks like several houses in the "124" section. 126A Arien Zwaan & Jacoba Oudt, later Meindert Leeuw & Jacoba Zwaan. Also a lot of arbeiders. > So - some kind of influx in 1868 - Frederik Zee, Andries Zee, Cornelis Zee. What are these houses today? Andries Zee & Neeltje Leeuw 122 > 127? Cornelis Zee & Maartje Pels 124 > 129 (1896) Frederik Zee % Maartje Bakker 126 > 131 (1896) Twisk connection - admin change? All the Zee's "moved" on May 9th, 1868. Cornelis Zee was in Twisk at No. 90 until this date. If it was an administrative change, then neighbours should suffer the same move. No. 91 was Broers Dammens - no such note. 92 - Sjoerd Hoekstra, no change. Pieter Zee & Neeltje Veer were at No. 87, placing No. 90 closeby and not in the Westeinde. Andries Zee & Neeltje Leeuw were also in Twisk. They were at No. 85 until 9-May-1868 >, the house of Dirk Leeuw & Elsje Kort. They were noted as moving to Opperdoes. It's therefore not an administrative change. Interesting from this to note is that Andries Zee, Cees Zee, and Piet Zee senior were at 85/87/90 in Twisk, very close to each other. Frederik Zee was not yet married so lived at home until his marriage to Maartje Bakker. Opperdoes 1850-1862 Bevolk. register > No Zee's Opperdoes 1862-1875 Antje Zee 2/28/20 Andries Zee 2/37 with Pieter Zee Frederik Zee 2/38 later Jan Zee Cornelis Zee 2/39 with Trijntje, Grietje en Pieter Zee, later Arie Houses of Westeinde (St. Twisca.) Westeinde No. 8. Op de boerderij rechts, boerden vanaf 1912 Cornelis Blokker, gehuwd met Jannetje Koolhaas (10-12-1913 is hier Barend Blokker geboren). In 1948 is de boerderij verkocht aan Jan Oppenhuis. Kinderen van C. Blokker en J. Koolhaas: Pieter Blokker geboren in de Horn 14. Neeltje Blokker en Barend Blokker. [This may be the house of Frederik Zee & Maartje Bakker] Westeinde 13. 1870 F. H. Veldhuis. Notarial records 14-Oct-1884 Klaas Laan was the executor of the will of Cornelis Grootewal [father of Cees Zee's first wife Trijntje Grootewal]. Cees Zee is now living in Abbekerk, and is named as the sole inheritor of Cornelis Grootewal (with one exception of some land going to his son Cornelis Grootewal). The estate also listed loans owed to the estate: Neeltje Veer Twisk fl. 500, Frederik Zee Opperdoes 700, Andries Zee Opperdoes 700, Cees Zee Abbekerk 500, Cornelis Klaasz Zijp Twisk 1600. All of these loans at about 5% per year. In the list of debts is F. Zee, fl. 55 for rent owed to him [aka Cornelis Grootewal was renting a house from Frederik Zee][Matches house 126A from Bvr 1879 >, also noted C. Grootewal died 9-Oct-1884][Ijtje Aker, Cornelis's wife, died 1877 > In 1879 he moved from the Zuiderweg to Westeinde, into Frederik Zee's house at 126A(1875)/131A(1879)] >. The new notary in Benningbroek since 1892 was Willem Terpstra, who took over from Cornelis Donker, so his files may have more. Reviewed Oct 1895 - Dec 1896, nothing found >.