The first Zee born in Holland
When Bruin Bruinszoon Zee was born in Medemblik in March 1735, he became the first Zee born in Holland; his mother Anna and father Bruno were German, and moved to this little harbour town in the north of Holland around 1733. All of our family members can trace their line back to Bruin Bruinszoon Zee. For most of us today, this is our 3rd, or 4th-great-grandfather.
A tough start in life
Bruin grew up in Medemblik in challenging circumstances. His mother Anna died when he was 15, and his father Bruno followed shortly after when he had just turned 18. That year, 1753, was particularly tough: a week after his father died, he had to watch helplessly as his three sisters were placed in an orphanage: one of them would not leave alive. There was nothing left to him in a will, so he had to make his own luck in life.
The sinking of the Olijmolen
Bruyn’s early twenties were spent sailing around Europe, working as a ships carpenter on board different ships that left Holland to trade abroad. He lived in Medemblik, though was away so often that his home was really at sea.
It’s astounding the way his story is coming to life in full colour. This was a man that was just a name on a scrappy and incomplete family tree, with nothing known about him. Now see his story being able to be told in rich detail, is a true gift to our family. He lived a life of adventure, ambition, and exploration.
One such story is his voyage to Norway, in the early spring of 1758. If Holland were awakening slowly to the developing warmth and growth of the season, Norway was not. Snow and ice lay all around. He and his fellow crew had left Hoorn on the 26th of February, embarking on an arduous 700 kilometer trip across the open North Sea. Wind, cold, and often rough seas made this a not too pleasant assignment to look forward to. >
Story to be completed
The hole was big enough that they could see the open sea through it from inside the ship. >

Family Fortune: he meets Jannetje
A girl from Lutjebroek would provide a change in Bruin’s fortunes.
Jannetje Tromp was four years younger than Bruin, from a small but well known family in Lutjebroek, about 15 kilometres from Medemblik. Jannetje was the youngest of three sisters. Aaltje Tromp, the eldest, married Floris Bierhaalder, and went to live in Oosterleek. Bregje Tromp, the next eldest, married Cornelis Ruijter, and lived in a windmill called the “Stofmolen”, nearby in Wijdenes.
Jannetje was born in 1739. Her father Frederik Pieters Tromp was not only the head of the town council, but an established investor, landowner, and the headmaster of the school in Lutjebroek. When she was 9, her mother Bregje Ham passed away. Frederik re-married in 1754 to Meinouwtje Vreeks.
When Bruijn Zee met Jannetje around 1759, however, he wasn’t well.

Frederik Tromp died on May 13, 1760, after a long illness, six months before Jannetje and Bruin were married in Lutjebroek that December.
Jannetje was left a large sum of money in his will – several thousand guilders, and some of her father’s land. And so, the young couple had options. They moved in together in Lutjebroek.
A careless baker, and the devastating Fire of Lutjebroek
Jannetje grew up directly across from the bakery on the main street in Lutjebroek. It was owned and run by Jan Gouwen. One Sunday afternoon, just after midday, his wife ran into Jannetje’s house in a deep panic. The fire in the bakery oven had gotten out of control.
Her step-mother Meinouwtje was home, as were her sisters Aaltje and Bregje. But none of them had much idea what to do. They ran across the street to the bakery, but none of them were familiar with bakers ovens or chimneys. There was another baker in the town though – Jan Boot – so they sought help from his assistant there. The situation was brought under control. In hindsight, they wondered whether his use of sawdust, instead of turf, was dangerous. It turns out that it was.
In March 1763, another fire started in the Gouwen bakery, shortly after 6.30 in the evening. This time, the outcome would be tragic. With the fire growing, and a strong easterly wind, the neigbouring house caught fire. The bakery was four houses away to the east from the Reformed Church, and three down from the Pastorie.
Soon, the entire row of houses were alight, and the fire was spreading further. The alarm was raised, and fire brigades from as far away as Enkhuizen were called to the scene. By now, though, it was an inferno, and there was little anyone could do. In the end, 48 houses were completely destroyed, and 22 more were badly damaged. It was one of the worst national disasters of the time in Holland.

The Summer of 1763
April 2nd, 1763. They’ve been living in Lutjebroek now for over 2 years, and have a young daughter – Anna, named after her grandmother.
This Saturday morning, Bruin is reading the newspaper. The headline story has been the same for weeks: more details of the Treaty of Paris, ending the Seven Years’ War, and half of the paper is given over to the minute details of the agreement. Turning to the advertisements, he spots something that catches his interest.

On the following Monday, April 4th, there’s going to be an auction in the Inn at Zuidscharwoude at 1pm, for a Ship building business. Worth a look! He discusses it with Jannetje: they have the money to buy it, isn’t it worth a shot? And so, on Monday, Bruin makes the trip to De Roode Leeuw in Zuid Scharwoude.
The trip turns out to be worthwhile. A sale is agreed quickly, and they don’t waste any time moving on it. On May 19th, Jannetje gets her blessing from the church to move parishes, and on May 28th, 1763, Bruin becomes the new owner of the Pannekeet, a historic house and shipyard in the Heerhugowaard. The price? A steal, at 150 guilders.
With the devastation in Lutjebroek following the bakery fire, a move away to a fresh start was very welcome.

Following in his fathers maritime footsteps, Bruin Zee is now officially an entrepreneur and shipbuilder. A new chapter in their lives awaits.
Bruin and Jannetjes new house at Pannekeet was already a very historic building when they bought it, dating back to the early 1600’s. It can be seen drawn on this map of the area from 1625.

Right across from the Pannekeet shipyard was the Staert windmill (also known as Molen ‘G’ in Zuid Scharwoude), built in 1575. This was a peculiar type of windmill known as a Wipmolen, likely the largest of its type in North Holland, and survived until 1934 when a fire destroyed it. This windmill would have been Bruin Zee’s view to the west from Pannekeet.

A family of Schoolteachers
Bruin Bruinzoon Zee had a great fondness for education, the inspiration for which came from his wife’s father Frederik Tromp. Three of his children became schoolteachers: the first was Bruin, followed by Frederik and then Pieter.
Frederik Zee: The fifth Frederik
This Frederik Zee was definitely a character. Unlikely as it sounds, he was the fifth Frederik to be born to his parents, Bruin & Jannetje. Put another way, he was one of five brothers all named Frederik. The Frederiks of 1763, 1764, 1766, and 1768 did not survive beyond a year old. But he did.
His father Bruin was very keen for all his children to be very well educated – and just like two of his other brothers than made it to adulthood, he became a teacher. His school was in Spanbroek.
Frederik the fifth was fond of a drink. This much is clear from a school inspection in 1817:

The following year, he got a better review:

Smoked Ribs and Birdcages: The sale of Frederiks things, 1825.
When Frederik died, unexpectedly, in 1825, his wife Lijsje sought help to clear out the house, and his nephew Louwris Zee, and his sisters husband Jacob Gorter, took it upon themselves to organize a big garage sale, with sale by auction, in April that year. The auction was well attended – in excess of 100 people, including family, friends, and curious bargain seekers turned up to rummage through his estate.

The records of who bought what, and who showed up, give us a curiously detailed snapshot of life in Spanbroek and West Friesland in 1825, and more specifically, exactly what was in Frederik Zee’s house.
First out of the traps was Piet Wever, who bid 10 cents for a reading desk, getting the first bargain of the day, probably because of its cumbersome shape and size. Once things started selling, and notwithstanding that he was organizing the thing, Jacob Gorter didn’t waste any time, buying an egg-rack for 50 cents. Louwris Zee wasn’t to be outdone … he quickly got involved too. Item number 15 was …. a piece of bacon. That took the highest price of the day so far, at 2 guilders 10 cents. A smoked rib was the next item, going for 45 cents to Aris de Jong from Spanbroek.
Jan Zee from Benningbroek, his brother, was also at the auction, patiently biding his time before stepping out of the shadows to snatch up two buckets, for 2 guilders 10c. Following this, a series of copper kettles, pans, and other kitchenware went to various bidders.

After a series of small lots – coffee pots, baskets, tin cans, candle holders – the star of the show was brought in: Frederik Zee’s horse and cart. The horse went to Dirk Koolhaas for 45 guilders, and the cart must have been a spectacular one, for it raised 122 guilders. The horse went out, the sheep came in (with two lambs), and these too were sold for good money.
Back to the house contents – everything conceivable was now for sale: fire stokers, soup bowls, bird cages, plates (including Delft Blue), and about 20 paintings. Jan Zee bought two of them, likely not Rembrandt’s, as he got them for 35 cents. But Frederik certainly had a good collection of them. The auction ended with a total value of 480 guilders and 85 cents.
Pieter Zee: Teacher Three
The third teacher was Pieter Zee, in the Purmer.
Anna Zee: Vroedvrouw in Oude Wetering

Anna was Bruin and Jannetje’s first child, born in March 1762 in Lutjebroek. She maried Arnoldus Lippinghoff, and the couple had two children – Klaas, and Bruijn. Arnoldus died in 1812 in Noord Scharwoude, after which Anna moved to Oude Wetering, Alkemade, where she worked as a midwife.
Her son Klaas married Lijsbeth Klomp, and their daughter Willemina married Jan Maatman. They lived in Amsterdam on the Bloemgracht, at No. 40, where they ran a shop. Jan was a candlemaker from Germany. Their son Jan Willem would also run a store a few doors down, at No. 76, which was previously the printing house of Willem Blaeu, the famous VOC chart maker.
Anna died in March 1840, at home in Alkemade, Wijk A No. 67.
B5 Bruin Bruinszoon Zee
b 30-Mar-1735 Medemblik [Bruno Zee & Anna Meijers]
+ 16-Aug-1798 Noordscharwoude aged 63
x Jannetje Frederiksdr Tromp 14-Dec-1760 Lutjebroek
b 20-Dec-1739 Lutjebroek > [Frederik Pietersz Tromp & Bregje Jans Ham]
+ 29-Nov-1790 Noordscharwoude aged 50
C10 Anna b 21-Mar-1762 Lutjebroek >
x Arnoldus Klaasz. Lippinghoff * 1758 + 10-Dec-1812 Noordscharwoude, age 54
b 26-Aug-1792 Klaas, Langedijk > x Lijsbeth Klomp 17-May-1818 Rijnsaterwoude >, x (2) Aafje Heeren 5-May-1834 Rijnsaterwoude.
b 23-Mar-1794 Bruijn, Langedijk + 5-Mar-1817 Alkemade aged 23
C11 Freek b 20-Feb-1763 baptised in Lutjebroek, Freek. Check Begraven - no entries in Lutjebroek. Could be in Zuid Scharwoude.
C12 Frederik b 15-Apr-1764 Heerhugowaard +
C13 Bruin 04-Aug-1765 Heerhugowaard x Neeltje Zijp
C14 Frederik b 24-Aug-1766 Heerhugowaard +30-Aug-1766 Noordscharwoude
C15 Bregje 1769 Langedijk x Jacob Gorter, +11-Apr-1850 Hoogwoud aged 80
1788 moved to Hoogwoud [LMR Hoogwoud]
1812 mentioned as living in Aartswoud bij Hoogwoud
C16 Frederik c. 1767 ? +10-Jun-1768
C17 Frederik 1770 Noordscharwoude x Lijsbeth Wagenaar. Schoolteacher
1791 moved to Hoogwoud [LMR Hoogwoud]
C18 Pieter 19-Mar-1772 Langedijk x Grietje Smal. Schoolteacher.
1791 moved to Hoogwoud [LMR Hoogwoud]
C19 Mietje 01-Mar-1773 Noordscharwoude x Reijer Hartman, +18-Jul-1819 Ilpendam
06-Sep-1797 Lijsbeth Purmerend x Arian van Heerden
29-Jan-1799 Bruijn De Purmer
15-Oct-1800 Jannetje Oude Wetering x Pieter Kramer
C20 Johannis Noorscharwoude, + 04-09-1775 Jan Bruinsz Zee, get. Anna Bruin Zee, impost 3fl.
C21 Jan 02-Sep-1783 Noordscharwoude x Aaltje Schuitemaker
Bruin & Jannetje
30-Mar-1735 Bruin was baptised in Medemblik. The witness, Anna Christoffels married Caspar Heijtsick in Medemblik in 1732, and Juriaan Cleijn in 1740.
30-Mar-1735 Bruin is baptised Lutheran Church, Medemblik. One of only two children baptised there that year. 1736- 4 children. So, a tiny church community.
11-Mar-1758 Bruijn and crew of "de Olijmolen" are in Zierikzee, recounting the tale of their lost ship to the Notary > (p. 147). See below for full details.
29-Nov-1760 Medemblik DTB, Bruidegomsrecht Bruin Zee x Jannetje Tromp, f3
10-Mar-1761 Belijdenis Jantje Freeks Tromp [DTB Lutjebroek]
29-May-1763 Jannetje Tromp vertr van Lutjebroek met att naar Zuidscharwoude [Lidmaten Lutjebroek]
28-May-1763 Bruin bought Pannekeet Shipmakers from Jan Janz Dorregeest for fl. 150
15-Apr-1764 Kind gedoopt, genoemd Frederik, vader Bruijn Bruijnsz Zee, moeder Jannetje F. Tromp, uit Heerhugowaard - Doopboek Zuid-Scharwoude [>]
23-Sep-1764 Zuid Scharwoude: ingekomen van Lutjebroek, Jannetje Frederiksdr Tromp
03-Aug-1765 Zuid Scharwoude ('de HH Waard'): ingekomen van Medemblik, Trijntje Bruinsdr Zee [LMR Geref Kerk ZS]. Lived in same place as Bruin Zee & Jannetje Tromp from Aug 1765 onwards, with her husband Evert Hulst.
04-Aug-1765 Kind Bruin gedoopt, vader Bruin Zee, moeder Jannetje Tromp, uit den Heerhugowaard - Doopboek Zuid Scharwoude [>]
24-Aug-1766 Kind Frederik gedoopt Zuid Scharwoude, uit den Heerhugowaard [>]
11-Jul-1767 Bruin sold Pannekeet to to Jan Janz Nat for f.250. When he died, his widow Heijltje Willems couldn’t manage it, so Bruin Zee helped here out by buying it back in 1783. [To be confirmed as fact]. Jan Janz Nat left Medemblik for Oostzaan in 1765 at the same time as Trijntje Bruins (Bruin's sister) left for Langedijk. Jan Janz Nat was a Diaken in the Gereformeerd Kerk in Medemblik [>].
-1767 Jan Strijbis verkoopt aan Bruijn Bruijnsz een Huijs en erve, met -een agterste gedeelte van een Huijs dat bezuijden aan, staande ende gelegen int Suijd ent onder Dorpe om — F900:0:0. The tax was f22 (40th penny, or 2.5%). This set records in Noord Scharwoude, it was the highest price paid for a property this year, maybe in years. [Gaarder archief NS, 40ste penning >] Jan Strijbis was married to Maartje Ootjers, then Neeltje Cornelis Backer. Full genealogy [>]. Mentioned as Burgemeester Noordscharwoude. Hard to haggle with the Mayor. 1708-1781.
16-Nov-1767 Zuid Scharwoude: Jannetje Fr Tromp, met att vertr uit Broek, naar Noorscharwoude
22-Nov-1767 Jannetje Fr Tromp, huisvr van Bruin Zee met att ingekomen Noordscharwoude [DTB Noorscharwoude Geref.]
10-Jun-1768 Frederik, Bruin Bruinsz Zee, get, impost 3fl. Impost Begr. Noorscharwoude.
-1770 Jacob Oudt verlijdt aan Bruijn Bruijnsz een speciaal hypoteecq op het voorste gedeelte van een Huijs en erfje met een voor erfje staande en gelegen in het noord end onser Dorpe, fl. 250, tax fl 6,9. Gaarder Noordscharwoude [>]
-1773 Bruijn Zee verkoopt aan Pieter en Aldert Koeckebacker een damschuijt voor fl. 167. Gaarder Noordscharwoude [>] Bruijn Zee verkoopt aan Simon Harksz en Willem de Graaf een damschuijt voor fl. 226. Gaarder Noordscharwoude [>]
15-Mar-1782 Bruin Bruinsz Zee nominated Hendrik Gerritzoon Zwager as elder
1783 Bruin buys back Pannekeet Shipmakers
26-Mar-1784 Bruin Bruinsz Zee nominated Arij Zwager as elder.
11-Mar-1785 same, nominated Jan Pieters Smit
02-Mar-1788 Bruin Bruinsz Zee nominated as elder by Pieter Ootjes
23-Mar-1788 Bruin Bruinsz Zee confirmed as church elder
19-Sep-1791 Testament registered, in favor of son Jan: 1000 fl., Bregtje, Frederik, Pieter, Mietje en Jan: Gold, Silver and Cloths on hand at death, Anna, Bruin - looked after in mothers will already. R>> Jannetje Tromp will, 1790 - can this be found?
16-Aug-1798 Burial tax Bruijn Zee f3, paid by Arnoldus Lippinghoff.
27-Nov-1798 Noordscharwoude: Boelhuijs gehouden ter sterfshuisje van Bruin Zee waarin is geproviniert de somma van fl. 112.13 [50.3.007 Inv 2 Alkmaar N.B. Jaartallen 1764-1773, 1775, 1795-1802.] Auction of house contents.
01-May-1800 Sale of a woonhuisje, Bruin to Bruinsz Zee, south side of Noordscharwoude, for fl 75. Rekening wegens ontvang van de 40ste en 80ste penning, de collaterale successies en de impost op het trouwen en begraven (Gaarder) 1764-1802 [A 50.3.007 Inv 3 Alkmaar]
Timeline others
Anna Zee
21-Mar-1762 baptised in Lutjebroek, Geref.
04-Sep-1775 Noordscharwoude Witness at bapt Maria Toet
21-May-1780 Noorscharwoude ‘vertrokken'
28-May-1784 Noorscharwoude vertrokken naar Hensbroek
01-May-1784 Hensbroek, lidmaat
09-May-1786 Noordscharwoude: Met att ingekomen with Arnoldus Lippinghof van Zuidscharwoude
17-Apr-1793 Noorscharwoude: Lidmaat met Arnoldus Lippinghof
19-Oct-1800 Oude Wetering Witness at bapt Jannetje, dr van Mietje Zee & Reijer Hartman
15-Sep-1811 Oude Wetering Witness at bapt Elisabeth de Jeu, aged 50, Vroedvrouw
17-May-1818 Living at Oude Wetering, Alkemade, at marriage of son Klaas to Lijsbeth Klomp from Rijnsaterwoude.
05-May-1834 Alkemade, vroedvrouw, husband passed away, at marriage of son Klaas to Aafje Heeren >. Klaas Lippinghoff is a schipper, aged 41. Widow of Elizabeth Klomp.
06-Mar-1840 Alkemade, died aged 78, Vroedvrouw, living with son Klaas.
1868 Hensbroek, mentioned in notarial doc > not yet reviewed.
Klaas Lippinghoff
Children with Lijsbeth Klomp:
1. Anna * 3-Dec-1819 Leidmuiden >
2. Willemina * 8-Mar-1821 Leimuiden >, married Jan Maatman (a German candlemaker) Amsterdam 1843 >. Willemina and Jan Maatman lived at Bloemgracht 40 >. Willemina was a grand-daughter of Anna Bruinsdr. Zee, vroedvrouw. They had son Jan Willem Maatman born 11-Jun-1846 >. He moved to Bloemgracht 76 > and had a shop there, selling "boter, kaas en vleeschwaren".
Children with Aafje Heeren:
1. NN + 2-Feb-1835 Leidmuiden >
2. Geertje 8-Mar-1837 >
17-May-1818 Living at Oude Wetering, Alkemade. Schipper, aged 26. Marriage to Lijsbeth Klomp from Rijnsaterwoude. Anna Br. Zee is also living at Oude Wetering. Father Arnoldus has passed away.
C15 Bregje Zee (x Jacob Gorter)
06-Mar-1791 Arrived Hoogkarspel ("gedateerd 24-Dec-1790") Bregjen Bruin Zee van Hoogwoud. LMR Hoogkarspel >
C17 Frederik Zee
b 1771 Noordscharwoude [Bruin Zee & Jannetje Tromp]
+ 27-Jan-1825 Spanbroek aged 54
x Lijsbeth Wagenaar 29-Nov-1801 Purmerend >
b 21-Apr-1771 Ilpendam [Cornelis Wagenaar & Lijsbeth Sijmons Leuntjes >]
+ 06-Jan-1831 Ilpendam aged 60 >
1791 Frederik Zee moved to Hoogwoud [LMR Hoogwoud]
03-Jun-1792 Ondermeester in Velsen, applying for job in Sijbekarspel. Created calligraphy/writing demonstration for application >
02-Sep-1792 Noordscharwoude met att ingekomen van Velsen
11-Oct-1792 Noordscharwoude met att vertr naar Oostwoud
1792 Oostwoud ingekomen van Noorscharwoude [Herv DTB Oostwoud]
03-Apr-1793 Oostwoud vertr naar Akersloot [Herv DTB Oostwoud]
10-Dec-1793 Hoogkarspel arr from Akersloot [DTB Hoogkarspel >]
29-Nov-1801 Frederik married Lijsbeth Wagenaar in Purmerend >. Te Purmerend getrouwt. Fungeerend schoolmeester in de Wijde en Enge Wormer. Lijsje gewoond hebbend te Broek in Waterland. [Lijsje one of 8 children >]
Feb-1803 Left ‘Schoolhouder’ position at Wijdewormer, new job at Spanbroek School, selected from 10 candidates.
05-May-1811 RegCiv: Freek Zee, born 1771. Schoolmeester Spanbroek.
27-Apr-1825 Louwris Zee & Jacob Gorter sold the estate of Frederik Zee, as empowered by Lijsbeth Wagenaar, raised f. 480, 25c. [No. 24]. Louwris Zee noted as secretaris van de gemeente Hoogwoud, en wonend aan de Norderpade te Hoogwoud.
C18 Pieter Zee
b 19-Mar-1772 Noordscharwoude [Bruin Zee & Jannetje Tromp]
+ 25-Jan-1827 Opmeer
x Grietje Smal
1791 moved to Hoogwoud [LMR Hoogwoud]
27-May-1792 Warmenhuizen – transcriptie kerkenraad 1764-1800 – pag. 105 folio 85 verso: Kerkenraatshande{ Art 1 waaren linge bij de vacatuure { Den 27 Meij 1792 nadat alle de Leden present\ van W: Waagemr: gewee { zijn uijt 3 sollicitanten (Vis, Ondermr: te Sijbe:zen schoolmeester { carspel, P: Zee te NoortScharwou, en te Schoorldam, dog { J: Koestapel, Ondermr te Nijkerk; dezelve, ver beroepen na Assen{ :volgens op den Nomm: geplaast, welke per missi delft :ven versogt sijn, tegens Donderdag den 7e: Junij dezes Jaars; nog Eens hier overtekomen: om blijken hun:ner bequaamheijt, aan den E: Kerkenraat te geven wel :ke dag gekomen zijnde: zijn gemelde Schoolmeesters voor den E Kerkenraat gecompareert; en vervolgens geëxamineert, in het, Schrijven, Cijfferen, lezen, & zin :gen: Art 2. Waar op des nademiddags, na aanroeping van des Heeren Naam, met meerderh: van stemmen beroepen tot Schoolmeester van Schoorldam C. Vis. Ondermr: te Sijbecarspel.
The Ham family
1692 DTB Lutjebroek members list: Bregje Jans, Pieter Egb(?)ertsz, Trijn Jans, Oom Lutjes [no Tromps specifically mentioned, but naming is very Patronymic.]
10-Oct-1721 Jan Pieters Ham marriage contract with Dieuwertje Jans Koppedraaier, Lutjebroek. Both listed as widowers [WFA]
08-Jan-1733 Jan Pieters Ham overl. [DTB Grootebroek] Jan Pieters Ham married three times. With Trijn Gerrits Dorst, had children Pieter Jans Ham and Bregje Jans Ham. With Aal Herks, had children Herk and Anna. Third wife was Dieuwertje Jan Koppedraaier (married 1721). [source: WFA, various notarial deeds 1700-1750]
Tromp Family
Jan-1648 Jacob Jansz. Jepper & Wab Luijtjes, daughter named Meinouw [DTB Lutjebroek >] (Likely parents of Freek Tromp, grandfather of Frederik Tromp father of Jannetje).
13-Mar-1672 Marriage at Andijk of Freek Jacobs from Lutjebroek and Brecht Jans, living Munekaij, Andijk [DTB Andijk >]
24-Mar-1675 Freek Jacobs Jepper & Bregt Jans a son named Pieter [DTB Lutjebroek >]
22-Mar-1676 Ijsbrant Claasz Timmerman & Diense Luijtjes daughter Jannetje [DTB Lutjebroek >]
1678 Birth year of Bregje Pieters.
16-Jul-1679 Jan Dirks Mand & Marij Pieters daughter Brecht op Sondag [DTB Lutjebroek >]
27-Jul-1681 Vreek Jacobs & Bregt Jans a daughter named Wab [DTB Lutjebroek >, >]
22-Jun-1693 Notarial doc lists Pieter Frederiks Tromp, Mandenmaker, son of Frederik Jakobs, Timmerman, brother of Wabke Frederiks, at Grootebroek. [WFA akten notaris Martinus Cornelis Pluijm >]
1698 Calc year of marriage Bregje Pieters and Pieter Tromp (per death record Pieter Tromp).
17-Jan-1699 Impost Trouwen, Lutjebroek: 'Van Pieter Frederiks ... 'sijn anoniemrecht (wife is anonymous)'. [> p.21] (This date listed elsewhere as when he married Bregje Freeks/Pieters. Anonymous not that unusual, several others on same page doing this)
06-Nov-1699 Pieter Freeke, Bregje Pieters new members at Lutjebroek, also Broer Pietersz, Dieuwtje Cornelis [DTB Lutjebroek > en > p.4]
24-Dec-1705 Boedelscheiding lists Pieter Frederiks Tromp, grandchild of Jan Teunisz Fokels/Roker & Aaf Gerrits, brother of Wabke Frederiks (girl). [>]
13-Jun-1706 LMR Westwoud, Bregje Pieters dr. van de Molenaar [>]
06-Feb-1722 Members: Jan Willemsz & zijn vrouw Wabje Vreek, Vreek Pietersz [LMR Lutjebroek >] 21-Jan-1725 Bevestiging lidmaten: Pieter Tromp, Bregtje, Vreek Pietersz, Broer Pietersz en Dieuwertje, Meinouw Vreeks,
19-Oct-1741 Brecht (!) Frederiks (!) Timmerman (!), daughter of Mina (!) / Mintje Klaas Rood, sister of Klaas Frederiks, niece of Jan Rood, etc., wonende Hem [>] [unclear if Pieter Tromps wife]
Jul-1745 DTB Lutjebroek members list: Pieter Tromp, d. Sep-1760, Bregje Freeks (? but beside Pieter Tromp) d. Dec-1763, Freek Pieters Tromp d. 13-May-1760, Bregje Jans Ham d. 17-Mar-1749, Wabjen Freeks, [>]
15-Apr-1750 Belijdenis Bregje Freeks Tromp [DTB Lutjebroek] (sister of Jantje)
16-May-1752 Brecht Pieters listed as wife of Pieter Frederiks Tromp [1685_1679 ONA 1679. Grootebroek, akten notaris Outger Slaghem, 1742-1756. >]
03-Oct-1760 Impost paid for the body of Pieter Tromp, who was 85 years of age, and had been married for 62 or 63 years to his wife who left behind. [DTB Grootebroek, impost] [>] (Calc birth for Pieter Tromp 1675, died Sep-1760 per DTB, Calc marriage therefore 1698/97)
18-Mar-1761 Belijdenis Jantje Freeks Tromp [DTB Lutjebroek]
23-Aug-1763 Bregje Freeks Tromp met att vertr van/(naar?) Lutjebroek [LMR Wijdenes]
11-Nov-1763 Attestation about story of Jan Gouwens wife running into their house about fire in bakery >
19-Dec-1763 Death Bregjen Pieters, Lutjebroek, impost f3 paid by Pieter Brugman, Bregje was 85 years old. [>] (calc: 1678 birth)
Three Brecht/Bregje's - clearing up confusion
Bregje Jans Ham (1709-1749) was married to Frederik Tromp. She was the daughter of Jan Pieters Ham and Trijn Gerrits Dorst, and the mother of Jannetje Tromp who married Bruin Zee, and Aaltje and Brechtje Tromp. She was earlier married to Dirk Adriaans Komen. [Source: WFA, various Notarial documents 1700-1750 >]
Brecht Pieters (1687-1763), was married to Pieter Frederiks Tromp in 1699, and these were the parents of Frederik P. Tromp. Daughter of Frederik ... The Pieters may refer to Pieter. Suspicion that he married his cousin, or ... even closer relation? (aka Bregje Freeks). Her parents remain unclear.
Brecht Jans Fokels (1644-), was married to Frederik Jacobs Tromp (b.1652?). These are the parents of Pieter Frederiks Tromp.
Trijn Gerrits Dorst
Great tabloid stories about her father Gerrit Dorst (Grotedorst). Add those in.
Finding Brecht Pieters
Boedelscheiding 1705 [>] Pieter Frederiks Tromp, neef van Digna Dirks Pilleman. Neef = Een zoon respectievelijk dochter van iemands oom/tante. Digna 1st wife of Wijbrand Pieters (now remarried), visser, Broekerhaven. Digna is also granddaughter of Jan Teunisz Fokels/Roker x Aaf Gerrits. Also listed Pieter Teunisz, Frederik Pieters as Belendende (neighbours), and Broer Pieters (witness).
Broer Pieters x Dieuwertje Kornelis [>]
Three Bregje Pieters in Lutjebroek 1700-1760. One is our Bregje. There is also a Bregje Pieters, died 1757, body came from Enkhuizen, and a young Bregje Pieters Kuiper mentioned in a will of 1723 as minderjarige nagelaten.
16-May-1718 Lutjebroek, Impost op begraven Luijtjen Pietersz, aangever Bregje Pieters, nihil. Likely brother. There were no other known Bregje Pieters in Lutjebroek at this time, but it could be the 1757 Bregje.
Luitjen Pieters married Trijn Cornelis Nov 23, 1700 Westwoud.
Loss of "de Olijmolen", Norway, 1758
Source: >, p. 147 (10Rechterlijke, Weeskamer en Notariële Archieven Zeeuwse Eilanden (RAZE), 1456-1811 (1852), 5025-42101757-1758)
Skipper: Simon Masereeuw, living Aartswoud
Mate: Adriaan Buijs
Timmerman: Bruijn Zee, living Medemblik
Bootsman: Elbert Hoen, living Schellinghout
Kok: Volkert Volkertse, living Hem
Matrosen: Cornelis Willemse (Hem), Pieter Maartense (Brockerhaven), Haaike Pieters (Enkhuizen), Teunis Jacobsen (Bovenkarspel)
Total 9 crew
Pieter Gerritse, stuurman on Zierikzeese vishoeker "De Vogel Phoenix" [named as skipper Pieter Gerre in newspaper article >]
26-Feb-1758 they left Hoorn with destination Norway. The first night was spent an anchor by Urk. On the 27th Feb they raised anchor and sailed on, but against the tide, with wind and rain from the NNW, so anchored again. On the 28th, weather and tide still against them. They therefore stayed at anchor until March 3rd, during which time the winds were very strong. That night they anchored at Oosterend (Texel). On the 4th, they got going again, but it became misty in the afternoon. They then got close to the bank. They then continued until the 6th with reasonably good weather. On the 7th, in the first glass of the morning watch (voormiddagwacht), with a wind from the NNE and high seas, got heavy groundswells. Four of them were required to pump, but it was doing little. They continued pumping all afternoon. Then the captain took a lantern and looked in the hold of the ship. They found a leak on the starboard side, but could not determine if it was high or low. The timmerman (Bruijn Zee) went down to get the ballast out of the way to see where the leak was, but without success. He then hacked away two "inhouten". They then saw that a joint had given way, and there was a hole a foot long. They tried to patch it up, but it didn't work. They could see the open sea from within the ships hold.
At the same time they saw three fishing boats, and decided to give the emergency signal. The boats came to them at around 5pm, and by 7pm it was clear that the leak was worsening with the heavy seas. They transferred to the fishing boat. By the morning of the 8th, they saw that their ship was lying on its starboard side with the deck under water. At 1030, the ship sank entirely. At their guess, the location was about 30 miles NW to NNW of Texel.
The ship that rescued them was "de Vogel Phoenix", based in Zierikzee. Their testimony says that they saw the emergency signal of the katschip, and the crew came on board at 7.45pm that night. The following morning at 10.30am they saw it sink. The Vogel Phoenix arrived in Zierikzee in the afternoon of March 11th.