Hendrik was born in Bremen in 1726, and moved with his parents Bruno and Anna to Medemblik around 1733, when he was 7 years old. He kept the name ‘Zeekamp’, unlike his younger brother Bruijn Zee. He married Engeltje Kist in Medemblik in 1753 – half a year after the death of his father Bruno – at the age of 27, and the couple had 9 children there.
Despite Hendrik and Engeltje living in Medemblik for 60 years, and having 9 children, details are scarce – for many of their children, no details beyond birth are known. Their surnames may have been Zee, Zeekamp, Bruyn, or Hendriks. They were baptised in the Dutch Reformed Church, rather than the Lutheran church.
Engeltje’s brother Aris Kist (b.1748) was later the binnenmeester (manager) of the Orphanage/Weeshuis. When they got married, Hendrik had three sisters who had just arrived there – Trijntje, Anna, and Mietje. Aris Kist married Dirkje Jacobsdr Bakker, and later Gerritje Blikkenhorst. Her sister Grietje Kist married Schelte Schoninga.
Bruyn Zeekamp was Hendrik and Engeltje’s first child, born in 1755. He grew up and lived in Medemblik, marrying Baatje Schoenmaker. Family details here.
Anna Zeekamp was born in 1757. She moved to Hoorn in 1782.
Trijntje Zeekamp was born in 1759. No further details.
Jan Zeekamp was born in 1762. He never married, and was a dock hand, or sjouerman. He shared a house with Jan Edres at Bangaard Wijk 1 No. 110, Medemblik, also a sjouerman. Jan died in 1812 at the age of 49. He was better known as Jan Bruin.
Cornelis Zeekamp was born in 1764. No further details.
Grietje Zeekamp Born 1766. Mentioned in Church records Amsterdam 1792. Died Amsterdam 1803. One of 31 women to die that month in the Buitengastguis. A miserable place to be. Originally called the Pesthuis, it was set up to treat Plague victims, isolated from the rest of the people: [Source]
Pieter Zeekamp Hendriks son and grandson of Bruno Zee, also joined the VOC like his grandfather, in 1791, as a sailor on the ship Slot Capelle. He sailed to Batavia, but his chances of survival were slim – a Malaria epidemic was raging. He died in 1792 in Batavia.
Mietje Zeekamp was born in 1777. No further details.
B1 Hendrik Bruynzoon Zeekamp b 23-Oct-1726 Bremen [Bruno Zee & Anna Margaretha Meijers] + 30-Sep-1788 Medemblik x Engeltje Kist 08-Dec-1753 Medemblik b 26 Feb 1732 [Jasper Kist & Trijntje Tijmons Kooij] + after 1776 C1 Bruyn b 26-Oct-1755 Medemblik x Baatje Schoenmaker, Lijsbeth Pool C2 Anna b 03-Jul-1757 Medemblik [>] C3 Trijntje b 01-Jan-1759 Medemblik [>] ? C4 Jan b 10-Jan-1762 Medemblik C5 Cornelis b 16-Feb-1764 Medemblik [>] ? C6 Grietje b 16-Feb-1766 Medemblik [>] C7 Saartje b 07-Oct-1767 Medemblik +06-Nov-1787 C9 Pieter b 18-Jan-1770 Medemblik [>] C9 Mietje b 29-Jan-1777 Medemblik [>] ? C2 Anna Hendriks Zee b 03-Jul-1757 Medemblik > + 17-Sep-1782 Anna Hendriks Zee, van Medemblik, met attestatie naar Hoorn > C4 Jan Zeekamp * b 10-Jan-1762 Medemblik [>] + 03-May-1812 Medemblik aged 49 Unmarried, sjouwerman, living with Jan Edres, also sjouwerman, at death, died at Bangaard Wijk 1 No. 110, Medemblik. Known as Jan Bruin. [>] 06-Nov-1791 Jan Bruin belijdenis [>] C6 Grietje Zeekamp b 16-Feb-1766 Medemblik > + 09-Oct-1803 Amsterdam aged 37 C8 Pieter Zeekamp
02-Jul-1752 Trijntje Hendriks Zee & Jacob Jansz - baptised son Jan [>] A different family? There was also a Grietje Hendriks de Zee at the same time, so maybe a sister. 1753 Marriage - look in impost for more details [>] 1755 onwards The children were not baptised Lutheran - rather Gereformeerd 03-Jan-1757 Baptism of Anna Zeekamp, witness Aaltjen Paters. [>] 10-Jan-1762 Baptism of Jan Zeekamp, witness: Trijntje Bruijns. [>] 17-Jun-1769 Trijntje Jansdr Bruin x Jan Thijs Vlaar, Medemblik [>]. Not Trijntje Brunosdr., not Trijntje above. First child Thijs 1770, Maartje 1772. Trijntje died 1784. Probably different Bruijns. Engeltje’s brother Aris (x Gerritje Blikkenhorst) was the binnenmeester of the Weeshuis - later in life. 30-Sep-1788 Hendrik dies (copy in docs gallery) 1828 aangekomen: Trijntje Bruin [LMR Medemblik >] 1840 Grosthuizen Bevolkingsr. Jacob Zeekamp, born in Schardam, 16 years old. Living with Zwaantje Groen, born in Venhuizen, 52 years old, and Simon Ruiter, born in Hensbroek, 50 years old. [>] (calc DOB 1824): wrongly registered, born Schardam 1823 son of Cornelis Zeekant. Grietje Zeekamp 16-Feb-1766 Witness at birth: Trijntje Tijmons 21-Sep-1792 Grietje Henrikse Zee witness at baptism of Laurens Petrie, at the Gasthuiskerk, with Laurens Bohm. This was the church of the Herstelde Luthersche Gemeente. >. Laurens Petri is from Assenhein in de Ceur Paltze, wife Maria Anna Peil is from Cappel in Prussia >. So, retaining the German circle of friends. 28-Aug-1803 Grietje Zee witness at baptism of child of Jan Moshagen & Anna Horstman, at the Noorderkerk, with Barend Koenen. This name comes up elsewhere? > On 08-Jan-1800 Wijntje Zee is witness at birth of another of their children with Jan Kloppers > They are a couple, from Ondertrouw indicates Wijntje Zee is from Nijkerk, parents dead, and witnesses by her zwager Barend Koenen. > That indicates both Wijntje and Grietje Zee are from Nijkerk - and so likely entirely unrelated. 09-Oct-1803 died Amsterdam: Grietje Zeekamp (C6), born in Medemblik. [SAA Index op overledenen Gast-, Pest-, Werk- en Spinhuis, Amsterdam] > Afdeling: Vrouwen (Buitengasthuis) Pieter Zeekamp 01-May-1789 Confirmation, Gereformeerd lidmatenregister Medemblik 17-Dec-1791 VOC Ship Slot Capelle voor Enkhuizen to Batavia as Matroos f10 per month 04-Jul-1792 Arrival Cape, dept. 24-Jul 12-Sep-1792 Arrived Batavia 08-Sep-1792 Died in Batavia. It seems many, or most, died. Malaria epidemic in Batavia. The ship never returned, and neither did he.