This whole thing is a work in progress. Genealogy can be dry, but stories and photos turn a family tree into a true family history. I’ve been slowly adding to this over the last thirty years, but there’s plenty more to go. For the full story about this site, read how it started.

If you have something to share – especially old letters, stories, documents, and photos – then please do let me know. There’s still much to discover and learn, of that I am sure! Take a look at the Family Tree and see if your part is correct – if not, or you have some people to add, just send me the details!

I hope you found some of this interesting, and I’d love to hear any comments, thoughts, suggestions – or questions, of course. And if you know of another family member that would find updates to this interesting, just ask them to contact me at and I will add them to the emails that I ocasionally send out.

Mark Zee
Amsterdam, Holland.