Bruno Zee, sailor, adventurer, rebel and mutineer, and our first Zee ancestor, was born in Bollen, near Bremen, in 1697, as Brüne Seekamp. He changed his surname to Zee, but…

Two tiny towns on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean are bound together through the history of Irish emigration. In the latter half of the 19th century, a trail west…

Westeinde is a little piece of the main road from Twisk to Opperdoes, in Noord Holland. It’s essentially part of Twisk, even though it falls under the historical records of…

Twisk is a special little place. It’s a uniquely beautiful little Dutch village and sparkles in the crown of Noord-Holland. Our family history dates back to around 1810 here. Jan…
Zee, Zeekamp, Seekamp, which is it? Today, we know our surname is Zee. That’s pretty easy. Three letters, no confusion. But how did our first Zee, Bruno Zee, get the name? He…

Part II: Into the Open Ocean Passing Prinsen Island, the Schonenberg is now heading for open water. You have never truly seen a ship until you have seen it at…

Our first ancestor, Bruno Zee, was a member of the crew of the 800-ton VOC retourschip Schoonenberg, which left Batavia (now Jakarta, Indonesia) on Friday, September 25th, 1722 with destination…

Door Meindert J. Prins Vrijdag 4 januari 1935 was een vorstvrije, bewolkte dag met een zwakke wind uit het noordwesten en weinig kans op regen. De 41 jarige Andijker tuinder…

Wöltje Seekamp was the great-grandfather of Bruno Zee. He was born in 1604, likely in Bierden, and died there sometime between 1647-1655. For our Zee family, he is a direct…