Story Fokke Zee was the son of Jan Zee & Grietje Bootsman. He married Ebeltje Prins, and emigrated to Alberta, Canada after World War II. In 1943, Fokke Zee was…
Story Fokke Zee was the son of Jan Zee & Grietje Bootsman. He married Ebeltje Prins, and emigrated to Alberta, Canada after World War II. In 1943, Fokke Zee was…
Door Meindert J. Prins In de nacht van woensdag 18 augustus op donderdag 19 augustus 1943 stopte een vrachtauto van het Duitse leger met een met legergroen zeildoek bespannen laadbak…
It’s all about Maartje, really. Her lace making wasn’t the usual grandmother embroidery stuff – she had an exceptional talent. Her last piece, made when she was in her 70’s,…
For any Zee alive today and reading this, I’m sorry to report that Gerrit Grotedorst is a direct forefather. And not one of the good ones! Most likely, your 7th-great-grandfather….
Individual research entries for the sailors on board Voyages 1721 Schonenberg Gerrit van Haag, from Amsterdam, Bosschieter, niet vermaakt, debt to Wijbrig Jansdo. After incident, left on the Petronella. Shipwrecked…
Story Margreta (Grietje) Zee Bruno’s first-born daughter, Margreta, or Grietje in Dutch, was born in 1728 in Bremen; baptised as Margreta Seekamp. She grew up in Medemblik, and around 1750 moved to live…
Harm Seekamp was the great-great-grandfather of Bruno Zee. He is estimated to have been born c. 1580 in Bierden, son of Brüne Seekamp in Bollen [not confirmed, theory from local…
The favourite son Jan Zee was the twelfth, last, and it seems most loved child of Bruin Bruinzoon Zee and Jannetje Tromp. His birth was something of a surprise –…
Story Jan Zee was the son of Bruin Zee and Aafje Hasselman, and grandson of Jan Zee and Aaltje Schuitemaker. Family Jan and Grietje had 12 children. Fokke Zee married…